Special Epsiode: DSCA – The Dashrath Sankhe Cricket Academy
A special episode that features the DSCA – Dashrath Sankhe Cricket Academy
The DSCA based in the Tri Valley Area of the SF Bay Area provides a cricket coaching and development program tailored for young boys and girls in various age groups. The goal of the academy is to help establish a strong cricketing foundation that will help them in the quest to achieve higher levels of cricketing excellence.
Listen in to Coaches Dashrath Sankhe and Esmail Mitchla as they share their experiences, insights, and future plans for youth cricket through their academy.
DSCA on instagram: @dashrathsankhecricketacademy
Vijaykumar Balasubramanian
Vasant Kumar
#DSCA #BayAreaCricketAcademy #TriValleyCricketAcademy #DashrathSankhe #EsmailMitchla